Sports therapy
What is sports therapy?
Sports therapy is an allied healthcare profession that improves and prevents patient’s optimum function related to sports, occupational health and fitness irrespective of their age and ability with the help of assessment of the condition and planning rehabilitation interventions with manual therapy treatments.
What is a sports therapist?
Sports therapist is a qualified chartered allied health professional who performs
Expert assessment,
Evaluation of condition
Plans treatments
Develops Rehabilitation plans
Injury prevention
Sports massage
Deep tissue massage
What to expect?
A sports therapist will initially conduct an assessment to get a thorough medical history to understand your condition, requirements and then plan a rehabilitation programme along with treatments such as sports massage, structured rehabilitation plan and discuss return to your optimal fitness and functional level.
Initial assessment will be 60 minutes and then follow up of 45 minutes will be arranged to continue treatments to plan return to your functional /fitness level.