Physiotherapy consultation includes a thorough assessment to understand the cause of your pain. Treatment includes planning exercises and treatment on the basis of your work and social life; varied Manual therapy techniques to improve pain and stiffness; evidence based rehabilitation plan allowing you to return to normal function.
Sports therapy
Sports therapy includes assessment for evaluation of your condition and treatments such as sports massage, structured rehabilitation plans for returning you to your optimum functional levels. Following an assessment , follow up will be organised to continue the benefits from first assessment to prevent injuries in future and improve the soft tissue as well as joint and bone health.
We provide a holistic treatment approach. The service includes target specific exercises, education and Manual therapy to improve stiffness. Assessment of function including activity modification. Advise on return to Work/ Sports and lifestyle changes.
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Physiozen @Anytime Fitness
Market Street, Addlestone KT15 2GB
Tel: 07551877885/ 07863881429