🔸Ax SpA affects soft tissues , joints , tendons and sometimes other systems such as skin, heart, lungs, stomach, eyes etc
🔸Age - onset can be 20-45
🔸Prevalence 1 in 200 in UK
🔸Males and females are affected
🔸Males are diagnosed more frequently than females
🟠These conditions present with
🔺Back pain , buttock and other joint pains
🔺Early morning stiffness >30 mins usually up to an hour
🔺Inflammation in eyes (redness) called iritis or uveitis
🔺Psoriasis ( skin condition)
🔺Dactylitis (Swollen fingers or toes or both)
🔺Waking up at 3-4 am with pain that feels better after movements
🔺Enthesitis (Tendonitis) - heel, shoulder, knee elbow etc
🔺Feels better with exercises
🔺Feels better with ibuprofen or prescribed anti inflammatory medications ( naproxen celecoxib etc) within 48 hours
🔺Family history of Rheumatoid Arthritis or inflammatory arthritis
🔺Constipation, bloating, diarrhoea ( Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Chron's ulcerative colitis)
🔺Fatigue and tiredness
🔺There is delay in diagnosis of an average of 8.5 years in UK.
🔺This affects the individual physically, emotionally, socially and financially.
🤔Reasons can be
👉🏼Normal inflammatory markers (ESR CRP HLAB27 ) on blood tests
👉🏼MRI can show inflammatory changes in spine of sacroiliac joints if reported accurately
👉🏼Not all symptoms are present all at once 😔
👀Knowledge of the condition and its presentation
🧩Joining the puzzle pieces with different symptoms over the years can help
🔺Physiotherapists help with a structured programme for managing your joint and muscle pains
🔺Hydrotherapy is recommended for better mobility
🔺Referral to occupational therapist, podiatrist, orthotist, psychologist , social support- depending on your symptoms and circumstances
🔺Contact healthcare professional to be referred for tests and diagnostics and referral to Rheumatology
🔺Discuss your medication options with your rheumatologist who can also refer to other specialists for managing gut, skin or eye symptoms.
🙏I am working with National Axial Spondyloarthropathy association ( NASS) to spread awareness and reduce this diagnostic delay of 8.5 years, please help us help you
👉🏼Fill this form and take it to your GP https://www.actonaxialspa.com/symptoms-checker/
👀If you have been already diagnosed with this condition
👉🏼Find resources attached here to help you or your loved one suffering from this condition
#axspa #axialspondyloarthopathy #spondyloarthropathy #inflammatoryarthritis #physiotherapy #physio #occupationaltherapy #podiatry