Frozen shoulder
🎯 Adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder is a condition that can occur between age group 40-60 , prominently peaks at age of 50.
🚺Females are more prone to this condition than males , the ratio is 5:1
🎯There is no true reason researched for this condition, yet
👉 Post trauma/shoulder injury,
👉Post tendinopathy- rotator cuff related issues
2.Systemic issues
👉People with Diabetes mellitus (with a prevalence up to 20%)
Thyroid disorder
Shoulder injury
Dupuytren disease
Parkinson disease
Complex regional pain syndrome
😲There is also research suggesting frozen shoulder can recur on the other side within five years of the first episode.
❓What is a frozen shoulder?
Painful and stiff shoulders limiting daily function.
📌Capsule is the structure between the head of the humerus ( shoulder bone ) and socket from your shoulder blade.
📌Capsule gets stiff and tight leading to three stages of frozen shoulder
1.Painful stage may last for upto 4 months - pain with all movements of shoulder
2 Stiff stage- Pain only with movements, stiffness in movements, in front, side and backwards direction.,this stage can overlap and last for 4-12 months.
3. Final phase , pain and stiffness eases and returning to shoulder to its previous functional level, 12-24
🎯Frozen shoulder can last upto 18-24 months. However it can take up to 3 years to return to normal function.
☢Investigations -
🎯Physical assessment is the best assessment to diagnose this condition.
🎯Restrictions in lifting the arm in front of the body. side of the body and behind the body to scrub.
🩻X-ray do not show adhesions in capsule( soft tissues)
💡Treatment -
💪Exercise to manage the stiffness with some heat pack , over the counter medications such as ibuprofen gel or ibuprofen ( taken with meals when allowed) .
💉Injection - if pain is severe and limits the function then steroid injection is recommended at any stage.
💉Hydrodilatation- Saline is injected into the capsule under scanner to improve movement and reduce pain.
🏥If all the above measures do not improve the pain then Manipulation under Anesthesia is recommended ( MUA).
💡Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have queries about treatment , injection and exercises .
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